How to blend your grey hair at home.

We are now into another type of lockdown and the emails and messages are pouring in about how can I get rid of my grey hair and regrowth!

So what can you do to temporarily blend your grey hair and your roots until the salon reopens?

Well I have a solution.

There are lots of root powders which can help blend your grey hair and cover up your roots at home. Here are a couple which I love and are not full of chemicals and one you can easily make at home.

  • Colour Wow which is basically ‘eye shadow’ for your hair. This comes in a handy compact which includes a brush and mirror. To buy visit-
  • Organic Colour Systems RootRemedy, this is 99% natural and vegan friendly colour retouch. Visit


A lot of my clients who visit my salon are worried about what chemicals are in their products and what impact they have on their health, so using Oway products we have come up with a way to blend your regrowth and greys and not have the worry of what those harmful chemicals are doing to your hair and scalp and you can do this by using spices from your kitchen!

What you need.

This is a temporary solution and very easy to do. You will need

  • OWAY Plant & mineral refresh to buy click here
  • Brown hair- Dark cocoa or cocoa powder
  • Blonde hair- Maca powder
  • Golden copper hair- Turmeric
  • Copper hair- Cayenne pepper
  • Red hair – Paprika
  • A small make up brush such as a eye shadow brush
  • A bowl & a tea spoon.

Oway Plant & Mineral Refresh

How to mix at home and blend those grey hair!

  • To mix first choose a spice that is close to the colour you are trying to match to.
  • Mix in the bowl 1/2 tea spoon of Plant and Mineral refresh & 1/2 tea spoon of your choice of spice.
  • Mix together and there you have it your own organic hair colour powder.

Now you can mix a small amount of water to gel it together but a powder is what you want. This will brush on and wash off when you shower.

If you want to do a stain on your hair you can mix the spices for example Turmeric with some water and it will temporary stain your hair.

Let me know how you go.

Nat xxx

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